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10 Fun Facts about Taiwan十件關於台灣有趣的事實

插圖設計 Graphic Design 圖像設計 Allen Hsu 動態設計 Motion Graphics Design 陳欣緯 Hsin-Wei "ADI" Chen
相關媒體報導: 新頭殼 new talk / Yahoo!新聞

感謝設計師 Allen Hsu 提供 10 Fun Facts About Taiwan 圖像內容授權,讓好簡單有機會製作影音版!

設計師 Allen Hsu 為了迎接中華民國百年國慶,費時一個月的時間設計了10 張名為 "10 Fun Facts About Taiwan(十件關於台灣的有趣事實)"的海報。海報中所提及的事實台灣­人多半習以為常,但對外國人來說也許並非如此。他表示儘管台灣在世界上有著一定程度的­重要性,但卻往往在各方面遭到忽略,因此希望藉由這 10 張簡單易懂的海報,讓外國朋友­更了解台灣。

You might have heard of Taiwan but you never know why this lovely island is adorable. This 1 minute animation is going to tell you 10 fun facts about Taiwan, enjoy it!
Special thanks to designer Allen Hsu agreed to authorize his graphic to HowEasy Team and let us make it animated~
It is welcome to pass and share this to all of your friends. Let's get to know more about Taiwan.

Graphics by Allen Hsu
Animated by HowEasy Video Team